Refractory Neuroblastoma

What is Refractory Neuroblastoma?

Refractory neuroblastoma is a type of cancerous tumor found most commonly in children. It develops in nerve tissues, including in the gut, neck, chest, spine, or abdomen. Neuroblastoma is a form of malignant, or cancer, tumor that can spread rapidly and is often difficult to treat. Refractory neuroblastoma is an aggressive form of this cancer and may also be referred to as “high-risk” neuroblastoma.

As the name suggests, refractory neuroblastoma is resistant to conventional treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation. Without treatment, the chances of survival are very low compared to other forms of neuroblastoma. As such, it is important to explore alternative methods of treatment to give patients a greater chance of surviving.

Treatment Options for Refractory Neuroblastoma

The treatment options for refractory neuroblastoma include:

  • Surgery: Surgery can be used to remove and/or shrink the tumor and can sometimes be combined with chemotherapy to further reduce the tumor.
  • Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy may be used to shrink the tumor and can be combined with other forms of treatment.
  • Stem Cell Transplant: A stem cell transplant can be used to replace damaged cells in the body with healthy cells. This can help the body fight cancer and improve treatment outcomes.
  • Targeted Drug Therapy: This type of treatment uses medicines that are specifically designed to attack cancer cells. Many of these medicines are still being studied and are not available to all patients.
  • Immunotherapy: Immunotherapy uses the body’s own immune system to fight cancer cells. This may be combined with chemotherapy or other treatments to help fight neuroblastoma.
  • Clinical Trials: Clinical trials are research studies that explore new treatments, drugs, and techniques. These studies are important for allowing doctors to find out what works the best for treating cancer.

It is important to speak with your doctor about the best treatment options for refractory neuroblastoma and the potential risks and benefits of each. It is also important to explore alternative treatments, such as clinical trials, to give patients a better chance of survival.