24-hour urine protein


What is 24-Hour Urine Protein?

A 24-hour urine protein test, also known as a urine total protein test, measures the amount of a certain type of protein, called albumin, in a person's urine over a 24-hour period. Albumin is a protein made by the liver that is normally found in the blood. When there is damage to blood vessels in the kidneys, albumin may leak into the urine.

Preparation for 24-Hour Urine Protein Test

Preparation for the test involves collecting all the urine produced over a 24 hour period, meaning a full day and night. Start collecting urine in the morning and finish 24 hours later at the same time the next day.

* Make sure to keep the urine sample container in a cool place throughout the collection period.
* It is suggested to wear comfortable clothes and not to do any strenuous activities during the test so as not to interfere with the results.

Procedure for 24-Hour Urine Protein Test

In order to measure the albumin in the urine over a full 24-hour period, the urine sample must first be collected in a special container. At the start of the collection period, the container must be labeled with the patient's name, date, and time. The patient should then urinate into the container until the designated end of the collection period, 24 hours later. After the collection period is over, the container should be returned to the lab for analysis.

Types of 24-Hour Urine Protein Tests

  • Albumin/Creatinine Ratio: Measures the amount of albumin in a urine sample relative to the amount of creatinine
  • Albumin: Measure the amount of albumin in a urine sample directly
  • Protein/Creatinine Ratio: Measures the amount of protein in a urine sample relative to the amount of creatinine

Risks of 24-Hour Urine Protein Test

There are no significant risks associated with a 24-hour urine protein test. If the patient experiences any discomfort during the collection period, they should contact their doctor for advice.

Why Get a 24-Hour Urine Protein Test?

A 24-hour urine protein test is ordered by a doctor if they suspect that the patient may be suffering from a kidney disease or condition that is causing albumin to be released into the urine. The test results can help the doctor to determine the cause of the condition, as well as to monitor the effectiveness of treatment. A 24-hour urine protein test is also ordered if the patient has high levels of albumin in their blood.

When to Get a 24-Hour Urine Protein Test?

A 24-hour urine protein test is usually ordered by a doctor if they suspect that the patient is suffering from a kidney disease or condition that is causing increased levels of albumin to be released into their urine. The test may also be ordered to monitor the effectiveness of a treatment plan.