
Precocious: What is it and How to Identify it?

Precocious, or precocity, is when children display traits and behaviours usually associated with older children or adults, at an earlier age than average. Many children show signs of precociousness— learning ahead of their peers, completing tasks that require a higher level of abstract thinking, or displaying a deep understanding of certain topics. While this often appears as an increased intuition or “giftedness” in specific areas, it can also be cause for concern if the child is emotionally immature or the development is unbalanced.

The following are some signs to look out for in precocious children:

  • Advanced speech or reading skills.
  • Strong understanding of complex concepts.
  • Self-directing behaviour with an eagerness to learn.
  • Leading their peers in activities.
  • Highly sensitive or emotional.
  • Anticipates how others will respond.
  • Overwhelming curiosity.

It’s important to note that each child is different, and some signs may be more clear than others. It’s beneficial to track your child’s development against expectations, but ultimately only the child can decide what their talents and interests are.

Recognizing and Nurturing Childhood Gifts

In addition to recognizing signs of precociousness, it’s important to understand that each child may have related “gifts” in certain areas. These gifts may be related to learning, musical abilities, physical tasks, or other special talents. If you find that your child is exceptionally capable in a certain area, it’s important to nurture this gift and encourage the child to grow in the areas which they feel passionate about.

It’s also important to note that precocious children may have different educational needs from their peers. While there are many programs focused on gifted children, it’s important to ensure that the program of study reflects the child’s interests. This may mean allowing them to work at their own pace or in an environment that is more conducive to their individual learning style.

Supporting a Balanced Life for Precocious Children

It’s also important to ensure that precocious children maintain a well-rounded and balanced life. While it’s important to foster their gifts and interests, it’s equally important to ensure that they have the emotional tools to cope with the challenges they will face. This may mean focusing on social activities, helping them to understand their emotions, and providing support as they explore the world outside their comfort zone.

Finally, it’s important to recognize that all children will develop in their own time. While some may appear ‘ahead of their peers’, it doesn’t mean they will reach their peak earlier. Each individual will have their own trajectory and it’s important to balance their emotional and physical needs in a supportive and loving environment.