Urea nitrogen urine test

Urea Nitrogen Urine Test: Overview

A Urea Nitrogen Urine Test (or BUN test) is used to measure the level of urea nitrogen within the urine. Urea nitrogen is a waste product that is produced by the break-down of protein. The production of urea nitrogen is regulated by the kidneys and thus, the concentration of urea nitrogen can be used to assess how well the kidneys are functioning.

Preparation for the Test

No special preparation is required for the Urea Nitrogen Urine Test. Generally, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids prior to testing in order to ensure an adequate sample.

Procedure of the Test

The process involved with a urea nitrogen urine test is a simple one. Generally, the patient will hand over a small sample of urine that will be examined in a laboratory. The laboratory then analyzes the sample for urea nitrogen content with a color indicator reaction.

Types of Tests

  • Urine Sample Test: This is the most common type of urea nitrogen urine test and involves the testing of a sample of urine.
  • Blood Test: A blood test is sometimes used to measure the level of urea nitrogen in the blood.
  • Creatinine Clearance Test: This is a more involved test that attempts to measure how well the kidneys are able to remove creatinine from the blood.


There are no known risks associated with the urea nitrogen urine test.

Why is the Test Performed?

The urea nitrogen urine test is generally performed to identify and diagnose kidney problems, such as kidney failure, renal disease, and dehydration. It can also be used to assess how well the kidneys reduce waste products from the body, or to monitor the effectiveness of certain treatments.

When is the Test Performed?

The urea nitrogen urine test is performed when an individual presents with signs and symptoms of kidney-related illnesses, such as persistent fatigue, unexplained malaise, high levels of protein in the urine, or symptoms of dehydration. It may also be performed as part of a periodic physical exam to monitor kidney function.