Hemophilia A

What is Hemophilia A

Hemophilia A is an inherited bleeding disorder caused by a deficiency of the clotting factor VIII. This disorder leads to recurrent and prolonged bleeding episodes. Common sites for bleeding episodes include the joints, muscles, and other soft tissue areas such as the digestive tract and the brain. Hemophilia A affects both males and females of any race, however, it is much more likely to occur in males than in females.

Symptoms of Hemophilia A

The most common symptom of hemophilia A is prolonged and recurrent bleeding episodes. These episodes can range from mild to severe. Other symptoms include:

  • Unexpectedly long bleeding after an injury or surgery
  • Unexpected bruises
  • Pain, swelling, and tightness in joints
  • Blood in the urine or stool
  • Fatigue

Diagnosis of Hemophilia A

Hemophilia A is typically diagnosed through a blood test to measure clotting factor VIII levels. If the levels are lower than normal (less than 50%), then a diagnosis of hemophilia A is usually reached. In cases where the levels are borderline, a clotting factor depletion test may be used to confirm the diagnosis.

Treatment of Hemophilia A

Hemophilia A is typically treated with replacement therapy, which involves administering a clotting factor VIII concentrate to replace the deficient factor. This therapy is usually given intravenously or through infusion. Treatment can help to reduce and control the severity of the bleeding episodes. In addition, other treatment options such as physical therapy, bracing, and surgery may also be necessary.