Concussion Tests


What Is A Concussion Test?

A concussion test is a type of neurological assessment that helps identify and monitor the effects of a concussion. Following head injuries, it is designed to diagnose whether a person has suffered a concussion and helps to track their recovery. Tests are also conducted in the event of a suspected concussion and to monitor the effectiveness of any treatment provided.

Preparing For A Concussion Test

Before a concussion test, it's important to prepare in advance. To get the best result from the test, it's important to wear comfortable clothing and bring any medication that you may require. Additionally, if you have a headache, a concussion can make it worse so it's important to start with medication before beginning the test.

Procedures Of The Concussion Test

The exact type of tests included in a concussion test will differ depending on the individual's medical history. Generally, however, a concussion test will involve a physical assessment, such as checking the individual's balance, reflexes, and coordination. Additionally, cognitive tests, such as performing mathematical calculations, will be performed. It's important to note that a concussion test is not a single test, but rather, a series of tests that, when put together, will produce a comprehensive view of the individual's health.

Types Of Concussion Tests

The most common type of concussion test is the ImPACT test, which stands for Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing. ImPACT is a computer-based test that measures a person's reaction time, memory, attention, and other cognitive functions. Other tests may include MRI or CT scans to examine any physical damage that has been caused as well as neurological tests to check motor and sensory functions.

Risks Of Concussion Tests

While concussion tests are generally safe, certain risks are always present. Most transient risks (such as dizziness and headaches) can easily be managed and monitored before and after the test. However, it is important to note that some risks, such as neck pain and vision issues, can persist for longer periods of time and should be monitored closely.

Why Do You Need A Concussion Test?

Receiving a concussion test is an important step in evaluating and monitoring the effects of a head injury. The test can determine if a concussion is present and how serious it is, as well as tracking an individual's progress. It can also help to identify patterns in behavior that can indicate an underlying mental health issue, such as depression or anxiety.

When To Take A Concussion Test?

It is generally recommended that an individual should receive a concussion test immediately after a head injury. This is important to ensure that any signs or symptoms are properly assessed. Additionally, a concussion test should be taken if an individual experiences any post-concussion symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness, nausea, or difficulty concentrating, as these may be indicators of a more serious problem.