Haemophilus Influenzae Infections

What are Haemophilus Influenzae Infections?

Haemophilus influenzae infections are a group of illnesses caused by a species of bacteria. The most common infection is H. influenzae type b (Hib), which is a major cause of pneumonia and meningitis in young children. Other types of H. influenzae can cause milder illnesses such as ear infections, sinusitis, and bronchitis.

Symptoms of Haemophilus Influenzae Infections

The specific symptoms of a H. influenzae infection will depend on which part of the body is affected. Common symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Malaise (feeling of sickness or weakness)
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Shortness of breath (in severe cases)
  • Confusion (in severe cases)
  • Stiff neck (in severe cases)
  • Difficulty speaking (in severe cases)

Treatment and Prevention of Haemophilus Influenzae Infections

Treatment for H. influenzae infections typically involves the use of antibiotics. Vaccines are also available for some forms of the infection, such as H. influenzae type b. Vaccinating your child is the best way to prevent serious H. influenzae infections.