CPK isoenzymes test

CPK Isoenzymes Test

The CPK isoenzymes test is a diagnostic tool used to measure the levels of isoenzymes from the Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) enzyme. These CPK isoenzymes can be found in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain and other tissues in the body. It is performed to understand the functioning of a patient’s muscles, and identify any associated heart problems. A high CPK isoenzymes test result is an indication of muscle damage and heart disease, which can be confirmed by undergoing other tests.

Preparation for the Test

  • No major preparation is required for this test. The patient needs to inform the doctor about any other medications they are currently taking.
  • There is no need to fast for the test.

Procedure of the Test

  • The patient needs to visit the doctor for the CPK isoenzymes test.
  • A few drops of blood is collected from the patient's arm.
  • The blood specimens are sent to the laboratory for analyzing.

Types of CPK Isoenzymes

  • MM Isoenzyme: This is the most common CPK isoenzyme found in muscle tissues. It is used to identify the cause of muscle damage and any associated heart problems.
  • MB Isoenzyme: This is the second-most common CPK isoenzyme produced by the heart muscle in a normal individual. It is used to diagnose heart muscle damage and diseases.
  • BB Isoenzyme: This CPK isoenzyme is typically found in brain tissues. It is rarely found in the bloodstream unless the brain is injured or suffers from any disease.

Risks and Complications

  • A CPK Isoenzymes test is a simple diagnostic procedure with minimal potential risks.
  • Possible side effects include slight discomfort due to the needle pricking the skin.
  • Mild bruising, discomfort and swelling may also occur at the puncture site.

Why the Test is Performed

This diagnostic test is used to measure the levels of the CPK isoenzymes in the body. High levels of CPK indicate muscle damage or heart disease. A CPK isoenzymes test is typically performed as part of a routine checkup or when a patient is experiencing chest pain, muscle weakness, stiffness, or other associated symptoms.

When the Test is Performed

The CPK isoenzymes test is typically performed when a doctor suspects any type of muscle or heart related problem in the patient. As part of the diagnosis, other tests such as ECG (electrocardiogram) and X-rays are also recommended.