Color vision test

Color Vision Test

A color vision test is a medical procedure used to evaluate the capability of an individual to distinguish between combinations of light of different wavelength and detect spectral differences. This test is done in order to detect any abnormality in the color vision of an individual. Color vision is the ability to perceive colors normally and the test aims to assess this ability.

Preparation for the Test

No special preparation is needed for a color vision test. However, it is best recommended that the individual tests their eyes in optimal conditions and refrains from consuming any kind of drugs influencing eyesight.

Procedure of Color Vision Test

The color vision test includes two types of testing methods. These are the pseudoisochromatic plate (PIP) test and the issue eye test. The first test involves an arrangement of colored discs which contain some numbers or symbols, which the patient must read and point out to the doctor. The second type of test involves wearing special glasses to view close objects in detail.

Types of Color Vision Tests

  • Pseudoisochromatic plate (PIP) test: This involves arrangement of colored discs that may contain numbers or symbols. These must be read or distinguished by the patient.
  • Issues Eye Test: This involves wearing special glasses to help the patient see detail. An image or pattern is shown on the instrument and the individual has to point it out to the doctor.

Risks in Color Vision Test

The color vision test is non-invasive and has no risk associated with it. There are no known side effects from this kind of testing or from the materials used.

Why is the Color Vision Test done?

The color vision test is done to check for any anomalies in the color vision. It is usually done in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders such as vision disorders, glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. A color vision test also helps detect any inherited vision problems.

When is the Color Vision Test done?

The color vision test is usually done to diagnose any disorders of the eyes, such as glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, or a vision disorder. It can also be done to check for any inherited vision problems or changes in the eyes.