MRSA Tests

What is MRSA?

MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, an infection caused by a type of staph bacteria that has become resistant to certain kind of antibiotics. It is a bacterial infection that is resistant to some antibiotics, which makes it difficult to treat.

Why is the MRSA Test Done?

The MRSA test is usually done to detect if a person has a MRSA infection. It is also used to check if a person who has area of the infection has become infected with MRSA. The test is also used to screen people who are at risk for developing MRSA, such as healthcare workers or people in nursing homes.

Preparation for the MRSA Test

Before getting the MRSA test done, the patient should speak to their doctor about the test and the risks involved. It is important to tell the doctor if you have any allergies or if you have had any recent surgeries.

Procedure for the MRSA Test

The procedure for the MRSA test is usually done by taking a swab of the area of infection. The swab will then be tested in a laboratory to determine if MRSA is present in the sample. If the test results are positive, then the patient will be prescribed the appropriate antibiotics to treat the infection.

Types of MRSA Tests

There are two main types of MRSA tests that can be performed. The first is a culture test, which involves the collection of a sample with a swab of the infected area and then testing the sample in a laboratory to detect the presence of MRSA bacteria. The other type of MRSA test is a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, which is used to detect the presence of MRSA genes in a sample.

Risks of an MRSA Test

As with any clinical test, there are some risks associated with an MRSA test. These can include infection, pain or discomfort at the site of the swab, and a false positive test result. In rare cases, the test can also return a false negative result, which could cause incorrect treatment to be prescribed.

When the MRSA Test Should be Done

The MRSA test is usually done on people who are at risk of developing an infection, such as healthcare workers or people in nursing homes. It is also done on patients with skin infections to confirm whether the infection is due to MRSA or other bacteria. It is also recommended for people who have had recent surgery, as MRSA can be transferred between patients during a surgical procedure.


MRSA tests are an important tool for detecting the presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, which can cause serious infections in some people. The test involves taking a swab of the infected area and testing it in a laboratory. There can be some risks associated with the test, so it is important to speak to your doctor and discuss possible risks before having the test done.