Gram stain of tissue biopsy

Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy

What is Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy?

Gram stain of tissue biopsy is a diagnostic technique used in pathologic laboratory to differentiate between bacterial species by using the selective coloration of the bacteria in a certain environment. It helps in the diagnosis of bacterial infection and the determination of the type of bacteria present. The Gram stain is achieved through a technique whereby a sample is stained through a series of steps involving simple stains, crystal violet, mordant and decolorizing agent.

Preparation for Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy

The preparation for a Gram stain of tissue biopsy includes:

  • Obtain freshly collected sample
  • Fix the tissue to a slide with formalin
  • Make sure slide is clean and free of debris
  • Coat the slide with oil, as this helps in reducing the autolytic enzymes
  • Place the slide in a humid chamber as this helps in the preservation of the specimen

Steps of Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy

The steps to Gram stain a tissue biopsy include:

  • Stain the slide with simple stain like safranin.
  • Flood the slide with crystal violet for 1-2 minutes.
  • Rinse the slide with a tap water.
  • Add the mordant on the slide and allow it to stay for 1 minute.
  • Rinse the slide again.
  • Add the decolorizing agent on the slides and allow it to stay for 1-2 minutes.
  • Rinse with water and place it in a humid chamber to see the results.

Types of Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy

The types of Gram stains found on tissue biopsies are:

  • Gram-positive bacteria: these bacteria are stained purple due to their thick peptidoglycans layer.
  • Gram-negative bacteria: these bacteria are stained pink due to their thin peptidoglycans layer.
  • Gram variable bacteria: these bacteria are stained different shades due to their peptidoglycans layer.

Why to Use Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy?

Gram stain of tissue biopsy is used for detection of bacterial infections in tissue biopsy specimens. It helps the pathologist to understand the type of bacteria present and also to decide on the treatment method. This technique helps in the identification, characterization and classification of bacteria.

When to Use Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy?

Gram stain of tissue biopsy is used when any bacterial infection is suspected in the tissue sample. To confirm the presence of bacterial infection, gram stain is used. It is also used to classify and differentiate between different types of bacteria.

Risks of Gram Stain of Tissue Biopsy

Gram stain of tissue biopsy involves working with chemicals, fixatives and microscope, hence the risk of contamination is there. The risk of misdiagnosis is also present if all the preparation steps and staining steps are not followed correctly. If not done properly, the results may be inaccurate and unreliable.