Radionuclide cystogram

What is Radionuclide Cystogram?

A radionuclide cystogram is an imaging test that uses radioactive material injected into the bladder to take pictures of the lower urinary tract. It is used to diagnose problems such as bladder tumors, blockages, or other diseases of the bladder.

Preparation for a Radionuclide Cystogram

Before the procedure, it is important to let your doctor know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding since the radiation used in the cystogram can harm the baby.

You should also avoid consuming anything for four hours prior to the examination. In addition, you should avoid drinking too much water, as a full bladder is necessary in order to clearly view the bladder on the scanner.

Procedure for a Radionuclide Cystogram

The radionuclide cystogram is performed by a doctor in a darkened room. A radioactive liquid will be injected into your bladder, and a special scanner will take several images of your bladder and lower urinary tract. During the procedure, you may be asked to change position several times as the doctor takes pictures of the bladder from different angles. The entire procedure should take no more than an hour.

When the procedure is complete, the radioactive material will be passed from the body through urine. The entire procedure may take about an hour.

Types of Radionuclide Cystograms

There are two types of radionuclide cystograms: intravenous cystography (IVC) and retrograde cystography (RC):

  • Intravenous Cystography (IVC): This procedure involves injecting a radioactive material directly into the patient's bladder. This method is often used to detect bladder tumors or blockages, or to observe bladder dysfunction.
  • Retrograde Cystography (RC): This procedure involves introducing a mild laxative into the bladder via the urethra, then using a special radioactive dye to make images of the bladder.

Risks of Radionuclide Cystograms

Radionuclide cystograms are generally a safe procedure; however, there is a small risk of a radiation-induced allergy. Allergic reactions to radioactive material can range from mild to severe and can include swelling, rash, and difficulty breathing. The radiation used in the procedure is very small and will not harm your body.

Why is Radionuclide Cystogram Performed?

A radionuclide cystogram is usually performed to help diagnose and monitor bladder problems. It can be used to detect and diagnose infections, bladder tumors, blockages, or other abnormalities of the bladder, ureters, and urethra. In addition, it can help detect and monitor kidney problems.

When is Radionuclide Cystogram Used?

A radionuclide cystogram may be used when a patient has symptoms of a bladder problem such as frequent or painful urination. It may also be used if a patient is at risk for bladder cancer, or if they have had bladder surgery. In addition, it may be used if a doctor suspects a tumor in the bladder or if there is an obstruction in the urinary tract.