Phosphate in Urine

Phosphate in Urine: Overview

Phosphate in urine is a test to measure the amount of phosphate present in a urine sample. Phosphate, an essential mineral for the body, plays a role in many body processes and helps in the formation of bones and teeth. Its levels in the body are regulated by the kidneys and an excessive amount of phosphate in the urine suggests an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed.

Preparation and Procedure

Before undergoing the test, inform the doctor about any medication you may be taking as this might affect the results. Most of the times, the test does not require any special preparation as only a usual urine sample is collected. A healthcare provider will ask you to collect your sample of urine in a clean container, typically given to you as a part of the testing kit. The sample has to be stored properly and brought to the clinic or lab for further processing.

Types of Phosphate in Urine Test

The two types of phosphate tests are:

  • Urine Anion Gap: This test measures anion gap, an intense form of phosphate, in the urine. It helps to identify certain conditions which indicate imbalance of electrolytes such as ketoacidosis, dehydration, and diabetes.
  • Urine Phosphate Test: This test measures the amount of phosphate present in the urine. It helps to check kidney function and also detect and monitor conditions like hypoparathyroidism and hyperparathyroidism.

Risks Involved

Urine phosphate levels test does not involve any risk and is a relatively safe procedure.

Why a Phosphate in Urine Test is Done?

This test is usually done to diagnose certain kidney conditions which cause phosphate to leak out of the body. It is also useful in identifying conditions like hypoparathyroidism or hypervitaminosis D, a condition where the body produces too much vitamin D.

When is a Phosphate in Urine Test Done?

The test is recommended when an individual experiences certain symptoms associated with high phosphate levels in the urine such as fatigue, loss of appetite, difficulty in breathing, swelling around the eyes, and urge to urinate frequently.