Spastic Pain caused by Cystitis

Cystitis and Spastic Pain

Cystitis is a common infection of the urinary tract caused by bacteria. When left untreated, this infection can cause inflammation and spastic pain in the abdomen and pelvic area, which can be quite uncomfortable and cause further discomfort. Here’s what you should know about cystitis and how to manage the spastic pain associated with it.

Signs and Symptoms of Cystitis

The most common signs and symptoms of cystitis include a burning sensation while urinating, feeling the need to urinate more often, and cloudy or bloody urine. Other signs of cystitis may include fatigue, chills, abdominal pain, and fever. If the infection is severe, it may cause spastic pain.

Managing Spastic Pain Caused by Cystitis

The best way to alleviate spastic pain caused by cystitis is to treat the infection. This can be done with antibiotics prescribed by your doctor. It’s also important to take care of yourself by drinking plenty of fluids and urinating frequently to help flush out toxins from your system.

To reduce pain and discomfort, try taking a warm bath or using a heating pad to soothe the area. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen can also help relieve the spasms.

Preventing Cystitis

One of the best ways to prevent cystitis and its spastic pain is to practice good hygiene. Make sure to wash your hands before and after sex, wipe from front to back after using the bathroom, and avoid using harsh soaps or sprays around the genital area. Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids can help flush out bacteria and help prevent an infection.

When to Seek Medical Treatment

If you are experiencing symptoms of cystitis such as burning during urination, nausea, vomiting, or an increase in the frequency of urination, please seek medical treatment. You should also seek medical care if the infection worsens or if the spastic pain persists after treatment.


Cystitis and the associated spastic pain can be quite uncomfortable and can cause further discomfort if left untreated. However, taking care of yourself and practicing good hygiene can help to reduce the risk of infection. If the spastic pain is severe or persists after treatment, be sure to seek medical attention.