Inflammatory caused by Orthopedic Surgeries

Inflammation caused by Orthopedic Surgeries

Orthopedic surgeries and treatments can often lead to increased inflammation. However, there are ways to reduce inflammation and improve the healing process after a surgery. Understanding more about surgery-related inflammation and how to manage it can help ensure a smoother and quicker recovery.

What is Inflammation?

When the body experiences a physical injury or trauma, the body’s natural response is to ramp up the immune response to minimize and repair any repercussions. The immune response includes inflammation: the process of sending a flood of white blood cells to the affected area. The white blood cells help to remove any debris or bacteria from the injury site, but inflammation can also cause swelling, pain, and stiffness.

How Does Surgery Increase Inflammation?

After a surgery, the body is already in an inflamed state due to the trauma from the procedure. The type of surgery can also play a role in increasing inflammation, as certain procedures may require more tissue manipulation and disruption than others. Additionally, inflammation caused by surgery is often more severe and long-lasting than the inflammation that results from a minor injury.

Managing Inflammation After Surgery

The best way to manage inflammation caused by a surgery is through lifestyle changes and other therapies that help to reduce the inflammation and speed up the healing process. Some of the ways to decrease inflammation after a surgery include:

  • Avoiding processed foods and trans fats
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Getting enough rest
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen
  • Using heat and cold therapy
  • Doing physical therapy exercises

Making these lifestyle changes may not only help reduce the inflammation after surgery but can also help maintain overall health and wellbeing.


Inflammation is a normal and necessary response to injury, but the inflammation caused by orthopedic surgeries can be intense and prolonged. However, by understanding the causes of increased inflammation and making lifestyle changes to reduce the inflammation, a person can speed up their recovery time after a surgery.