Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion

What is Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion?

Symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion (SVMA) is a medical condition involving the vitreous body and the macula of the eye. It occurs when the vitreous adheres to the macula, causing it to distort. This leads to a decrease in vision and can sometimes cause permanent vision loss. Symptoms of svma include blurred vision, floaters, flashes of light, and difficulty reading or performing close-up tasks.

What Causes Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion?

SVMA can be caused by aging, disease, or injury. As the vitreous gel shrinks, it can create traction on the retina, leading to distortion. In addition, age-related causes can include inflammation or cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes, that cause the vitreous to break down and can lead to adhesion. Injury, including blunt trauma to the eye or penetrating ocular trauma, is another cause.

Risk Factors for Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion

Risk factors for SVMA include:

  • Aging
  • Eye disease
  • Eye injury
  • Inflammation
  • Cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes

Diagnosis and Treatment for Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion

SVMA can be diagnosed via a comprehensive eye exam, including dilated fundus examination, optical coherence tomography, and ultrasonography. Treatment options include laser therapy, vitrectomy, pharmacotherapy, and intravitreal injections.

Preventing Symptomatic Vitreomacular Adhesion

There are no known methods of prevention for SVMA, as it can be caused by aging or injury. However, it is important to visit your ophthalmologist regularly for a comprehensive eye exam. Early recognition and treatment of any ocular disease can help prevent vision loss.