Disturbance in attention

What is Disturbance in Attention?

Disturbances in attention, also known as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are behavioral disorders that make it difficult for individuals to focus or remain on one topic for long periods of time. Individuals with this disorder may exhibit symptoms such as: difficulty organizing and completing tasks, impulsivity, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, forgetfulness, difficulty sitting still, and difficulty following instructions.

Symptoms of Disturbance in Attention

  • Inattentive – does not seem to listen when spoken to, has difficulty following instructions, often misplaces things, and has difficulty concentrating, especially on tasks that require sustained focus.
  • Hyperactive - does not seem to be able to sit still for long, is often unusually active, has difficulty focusing on tasks, and can be easily distracted.
  • Impulsive – acts before thinking, has difficulty with self-regulation, and may engage in behavior that is inappropriate or has negative consequences.

Causes of Disturbance in Attention

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder has a number of possible causes, including neurological, biological, genetic, and environmental factors. Some research suggests that genetics may play a role in the development of ADHD. In addition, environmental factors, such as exposure to toxins, or certain types of medications, may also increase an individual’s risk of developing the condition.

Treatments of Disturbance in Attention

Treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder typically involves a combination of medication, behavioral therapies, and educational assistance. Medication can help reduce symptoms such as hyperactivity and impulsivity, while also improving focus and concentration. Behavioral therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, may help individuals gain better control over their behavior and develop better coping skills. Educational assistance can help individuals learn to better manage their symptoms and develop strategies for staying organized and on task.