Platelet antibodies blood test

Platelet Antibodies Blood Test

A platelet antibodies blood test is a laboratory test to detect antigens that are present on the surface of platelets. It is also used to uncover an underlying cause for a variety of conditions which can be caused by an autoantibody attack on platelets.

Preparation for Platelet Antibodies Blood Test

No special preparation is required for this test. Just inform your doctor if you have recently taken any medications that may affect the results of the test.

Procedure for Platelet Antibodies Blood Test

A health care professional will take a sample of your blood for the test. The sample will be sent to a laboratory, where it will be examined for antibodies that are present on the surface of your platelets. If any antibodies are present, further tests may be necessary to determine the reason for the presence of the antibodies.

Types of Platelet Antibodies Blood Test

There are several types of platelet antibodies test that your doctor may order:

  • The Antibody Screen is used to detect the presence of any type of antibodies on the surface of your platelets.
  • The Platelet Agglutination is used to test for specific types of antibodies, such as IgG and IgA.
  • The ELISA or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay is used to detect the presence of autoantibodies that can attack your platelets.
  • The Polymorphonuclear Antibody Test is used to detect any other antibodies that may be present on your platelets.

Risks of Platelet Antibody Blood Test

The platelet antibodies test is a safe and straightforward procedure. The only risks associated with the test are those associated with having the blood sample taken. These include minor bleeding, bruising, and discomfort at the site where the blood was taken, as well as a risk of infection.

Why a Platelet Antibodies Blood Test is Performed

The platelet antibodies blood test is used to detect any antibodies that may be attacking your platelets. This test can help diagnose conditions such as autoimmune thrombocytopenia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, and thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura which can occur when an individual's immune system attacks their platelets.

When to Get a Platelet Antibodies Blood Test?

Your doctor may recommend a platelet antibodies test if you have experienced any of the following symptoms:

  • Increased bruising or bleeding, especially from minor cuts.
  • Fatigue.
  • Pale skin.
  • Dizziness.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Severe headaches.
  • Swelling in the legs.

The platelet antibodies blood test is also useful for detecting platelet-specific antibodies that may be responsible for some forms of heart disease or stroke.