DHEA Sulfate Test

What is the DHEA Sulfate Test?

The DHEA Sulfate (DS) test is a test used to measure the amount of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) found in the blood. It’s used by healthcare professionals to assess an individual’s hormone levels and aid in the diagnosis of a variety of conditions.

Types of DHEA Sulfate Tests

There are two types of DS tests: total DHEA-S and free DHEA-S. The total DHEA-S test measures the amount of DS in all forms, while the free DS test measures the amount of free (unbound) DS.

Why the DHEA Sulfate Test is Performed

The DS test is typically only performed if there are abnormal levels of DHEA or androgens in the body, or if the individual exhibits symptoms of a particular illness, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or Addison's disease. It can also be used to monitor hormone levels after a person starts taking a DHEA supplement.

When the DHEA Sulfate Test is Performed

The DS test is usually performed after the individual’s healthcare provider has asked them to fast for at least 8 hours before the test. It’s usually done in the morning and after they’ve had a good night’s rest. The test should be done during the patient’s follicular phase, which is usually during the first week of the menstrual cycle. It should be avoided during the luteal phase.

DHEA Sulfate Test Preparation

The DS test is a relatively simple test that requires no special preparation. All that’s required is to follow the instructions given by the healthcare provider.

DHEA Sulfate Test Procedure

The DHEA sulfate test requires a blood sample, which is taken from the patient’s arm. The healthcare provider will then send the sample to a laboratory for testing. The results of the test will usually be made available in a few days.

Risks Associated with DHEA Sulfate Test

The DS test is generally considered to be a safe and relatively risk-free procedure. There are, however, some minor risks associated with having blood taken, such as mild discomfort, bruising, and bleeding. These are typically temporary and can be easily managed.

Interpreting the Results of a DHEA Sulfate Test

The results of the DS test are usually expressed as a milligram (mg) of DHEA-S per deciliter (dL) of blood. The normal range for DHEA-S in adults is generally between 60 to 350 mg/dL. Abnormally high or abnormally low levels can indicate a variety of conditions, such as adrenal insufficiency or an increased risk of certain types of cancer.