Stool Elastase

What is Stool Elastase?

Stool Elastase is a test that is done to measure the presence of the elastase enzyme in a person’s stool. This enzyme is produced by the pancreas, and it is responsible for breaking down proteins in the gastrointestinal tract.

Why Is the Stool Elastase Test Done?

The stool elastase test is usually done to diagnose pancreatic diseases, including pancreatitis and cystic fibrosis. It may also be done to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments for pancreatic diseases. An abnormal result could indicate a problem with the pancreas.

Preparation for the Stool Elastase Test

Prior to the stool elastase test, you should discuss any medications you are taking with your doctor. Some drugs, such as laxatives, antibiotics, and steroids, can affect the results of the test.

Procedure for the Stool Elastase Test

The stool elastase test is a simple and straightforward test that does not require any special instruments. Your doctor will give you a container to collect your stool sample in, and you will need to take the sample and bring it to the lab. Once the sample is at the lab, the amount of elastase enzyme present in the sample will be measured.

Types of Stool Elastase Tests

There are two common types of stool elastase tests: the qualitative assay and the quantitative assay. The qualitative assay measures the presence or absence of elastase activity, while the quantitative assay measures the amount of elastase activity present in the sample.

Risks of the Stool Elastase Test

The stool elastase test is a low-risk procedure with minimal side effects. The most common side effect is discomfort or embarrassment while collecting the sample.

When Is the Stool Elastase Test Ordered?

Your doctor may order the stool elastase test when they suspect that you may have a pancreatic condition or want to monitor the efficacy of treatments for pancreatic diseases.