Prophylaxis of bacterial skin infections

Prophylaxis of bacterial skin infections: What you need to know

Bacterial skin infections are a common problem for many people, resulting in itchy, painful, and sometimes embarrassing symptoms. Fortunately, there are measures that you can take to reduce your risk for bacterial skin infections and protect your skin. Here, we discuss the value of prophylaxis of bacterial skin infections, and how to take preventative action.

What is prophylaxis?

The term “prophylaxis” is used to describe an action taken to prevent the onset of a disease. In the case of bacterial skin infections, prophylaxis refers to the taking of measures to reduce the risk for infection. This can include anything from regular hygiene and medical care, to vaccination.

Prophylactic measures

There are a number of preventative measures that you can take to help reduce the risk for bacterial skin infections:

  • Practice good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly and avoid sharing personal items like towels and razors.
  • Avoid close contact with people who have active skin infections.
  • Keep your skin clean and dry. Change out of wet or sweaty clothing promptly and try to reduce prolonged contact with water.
  • Protect any cuts or scrapes. Whenever you have a wound, make sure to keep the area clean and cover it with a bandage until it heals.
  • Get vaccinated against illnesses like the flu and measles. These infections can create an environment that is favorable for bacterial growth.
  • Follow any instructions your doctor gives you for medical treatments. This is especially true if you are prescribed an antibiotic.

When to seek medical care

If you do get a bacterial skin infection, it’s important that you seek medical care right away. Some conditions, such as impetigo or cellulitis, can cause serious complications if left untreated. In cases where antibiotic treatment is necessary, it’s important to follow the recommended course of medication in order to fully eradicate the infection.