
What is Anoscopy?

Anoscopy is a diagnostic procedure that uses a medical instrument called an anoscope to get a closer look at the anal canal and the lower part of the rectum. This procedure provides information about the condition of the anorectal area and is used to detect hemorrhoids, fissures, polyps, and other growths that may cause pain, itching, or bleeding.

When is Anoscopy Used?

Anoscopy is used to help diagnose a wide range of digestive and gastrointestinal conditions, including:

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Anal cancer
  • Anal fissures
  • Anal stenosis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Anal fistula or abscess

Preparation for Anoscopy

Before the procedure, you may be given instructions on how to prep your anus and rectum with a enema or colonic irrigation. During the procedure, you will be given a sedative to help you relax, and your anus may be numbed, so you don't feel any pain. You may also be given intravenous fluids and medications.

Procedure of Anoscopy

During the anoscope procedure, a lubricating gel is placed on the device. The device is then inserted into your rectum and pushed gently upward towards the lower part of the colon. The doctor can use this device to take samples of tissue, if any, and remove polyps. After the procedure, the doctor may advise you to follow some dietary changes to reduce the risk of complications.

Types of Anoscopy

There are two different types of anoscopic procedures: rigid and flexible anoscopy:

  • Rigid Anoscopy: A rigid anoscope is a straight, rigid tube that is used to get a better look at the rectum and the anorectal area. It is often used to diagnose and treat conditions such as hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  • Flexible Anoscopy: Flexible anoscopy is a newer technology that uses a soft, bendable anoscope that can be maneuvered through the bends in the rectum and anus. This type of anoscopy is often used to diagnose and treat more complex disorders or polyps.

Risks Of Anoscopy

Like all medical procedures, there is some risk involved with anoscopy. Complications can include bleeding or infection from the insertion of the anoscope. There is also a risk of perforation of the rectal wall. The procedure may be painful, and some people may experience some cramping for several hours after the procedure.

Why Anoscopy is done?

Anoscopy is done to better diagnose and treat conditions that occur in the anorectal area. It can help detect and remove polyps or growths that cause pain, itching, and bleeding. Most of these conditions can be corrected or treated by simply removing the polyp or growth during anoscopy. It is also used to diagnose and treat more serious conditions like colorectal cancer or anal cancer.