Non-complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections

What Are Non-complicated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections?

Non-complicated skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) are bacterial, viral, or fungal infections of the skin and supporting tissues that do not lead to a more serious, systemic illness. They include common infections such as cellulitis, folliculitis, abscesses, erysipelas, and impetigo, among others. While SSTIs can be serious enough to require hospitalization for treatment, they are typically treated on an outpatient basis and respond quickly to antibacterial treatments. It is important to seek medical attention for a suspected SSTI to prevent further complications.

Treating Non-complicated Soft Tissue Infections

The most common treatment for non-complicated soft tissue infections is a course of antibiotic medication. The type of antibiotic that is prescribed for an SSTI will depend on the type of bacterial, viral, or fungal infection that is present and the individual’s overall health. In some cases, a doctor may also recommend a saline solution to flush out any bacteria that are present and a topical cream or ointment to reduce itchiness and promote healing. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended to drain any abscesses that are present.

In addition to treatment with antibiotics, there are also several home remedies that can be used to help reduce the symptoms of SSTIs, including:

  • Applying a warm compress to the affected area several times a day
  • Applying an over-the-counter topical antibiotic ointment
  • Cleaning the affected area with mild soap and warm water and patting it dry
  • Keeping the affected area clean and dry and avoid scratching or picking at it
  • Using mild skincare products, such as those intended for sensitive skin
  • Elevating the affected area to reduce swelling and reduce the chance for further infection

Preventing Soft Tissue Infections

It is important to understand the signs and symptoms of an SSTI in order to recognize and treat one as soon as it is suspected. It is also important to take measures to help prevent the spread of SSTIs and reduce the chance of infection:

  • Carefully washing hands with soap and water after touching wounds or any areas that have an infection
  • Avoiding contact with people who have an active infection or who show signs of an infection
  • Cleaning and covering any minor cuts, scrapes, or wounds with a bandage
  • Avoiding sharing personal items such as towels, washcloths, and clothing

By taking these steps and seeking medical attention if an SSTI is suspected, the chances of complications and further infection can be reduced.