Anti-glomerular basement membrane blood test

What is an Anti-glomerular Basement Membrane Blood Test?

The Anti-glomerular Basement Membrane Blood Test (AGBM) is a laboratory test done to detect the presence of abnormal antibodies in the blood. These antibodies are usually found in persons suffering from a severe autoimmune disease known as Goodpasture's syndrome. The test is also known as the Anti-GBM antibody test.


No specific preparation is required for the test. However, it is best to discuss any medication that you may be taking with your doctor before taking the test.


The AGBM blood test is a simple test and involves the following steps:

  • A sample of blood is drawn from a vein and sent to a laboratory for testing.
  • The laboratory technicians analyze the sample to detect the presence of antibodies.
  • The results of the test are reported back to the doctor.


The AGBM test looks for two types of antibodies in the blood: anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) antibodies and antibodies to the laminin alpha 5 (lama-5) peptide. Both of these antibodies are associated with Goodpasture’s syndrome.


The AGBM blood test carries no risks or complications. It is a safe and simple procedure.

Why is the Test Done?

The AGBM test is usually done as a part of the diagnosis for Goodpasture’s syndrome. Goodpasture’s syndrome is a severe autoimmune disease that affects the lungs and kidneys. It is caused by the body’s immune system attacking its own tissues. If left untreated, Goodpasture’s syndrome may lead to kidney failure and death.

When is the Test Done?

The AGBM test is usually done when other symptoms associated with Goodpasture’s syndrome are present. These symptoms include rapid onset of breathing difficulty, coughing up bloody sputum, difficult urination, and low urine output. The test is also done to monitor how a patient is responding to a treatment for Goodpasture’s syndrome.