Muscle Weakness

What Is Muscle Weakness?

Muscle weakness is when your muscles don't have the same strength as before. It can involve a single muscle, a group of muscles, or all your muscles. It can make it hard to do everyday tasks like getting out of bed, walking up the stairs, and carrying groceries.

Causes of Muscle Weakness

The main causes of muscle weakness include loss of muscle mass, nerve damage, and certain medications. It can also be caused by other issues such as vitamin deficiencies, dehydration, or serious medical conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, or ALS.

Symptoms of Muscle Weakness

Common signs of muscle weakness include:

  • Difficulty getting up from a seated or lying position
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Difficulty lifting objects, dressing, and/or washing
  • Fatigue after minimal exercise
  • Pain in certain muscle groups
  • Unsteadiness
  • Weight loss

Diagnosis of Muscle Weakness

If you are experiencing muscle weakness, your doctor will likely conduct a physical exam and ask you questions about your medical history. Your doctor may also order additional tests such as blood tests, an MRI scan, or a muscle biopsy to determine the cause of your muscle weakness.

Treatment of Muscle Weakness

The treatment of muscle weakness depends on the underlying cause. Your doctor may prescribe physical therapy and medication to help you strengthen the affected muscles. Your doctor may also suggest lifestyle changes such as increasing physical activity, practicing better posture, or eating a healthier diet.