Perianal Warts

What Are Perianal Warts?

Perianal warts are unsightly bumps that occur in the anal region. They are caused by strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is very common, and there are more than 100 different strains of the virus that can cause warts. Warts around the anus are more common in adults than in children. Treatment of perianal warts depends on their size and number. They can range from tiny bumps that are barely noticeable, to large multipule masses.

What Causes Perianal Warts?

Perianal warts are caused by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. The virus is usually spread through sexual activity, but it can also be spread through close contact with someone who already has warts. Even if you are not having sex, you can still contract HPV by simply touching contaminated surfaces.

What Are the Symptoms of Perianal Warts?

Perianal warts can occur in various shapes and sizes. They may be as small as a pinhead or up to an inch in diameter. The warts may be single or multiple. They usually have a pearly, rounded appearance with tiny black dots in the center. The location, number, and size of warts vary from person to person. In some cases, perianal warts may cause itching, pain, or bleeding.

How Are Perianal Warts Diagnosed?

Perianal warts are easy to diagnose based on the appearance of the warts. Your doctor may take a tissue sample (biopsy) to make sure the bumps are warts and not another type of skin condition. Your doctor may also do an anal exam to check for more warts.

How Are Perianal Warts Treated?

The treatment of perianal warts depends on their size and number. Common treatments include:

  • Prescription creams - Your doctor may prescribe medication to be applied directly to the wart. These creams work by destroying the wart cells.
  • Freezing - The doctor may use liquid nitrogen to freeze the wart. This is effective for small warts.
  • Laser therapy - Laser therapy destroys the wart tissue. This may be used for larger warts.
  • Surgery - If the warts are extensive or difficult to treat with other methods, your doctor may opt for surgery to remove them.

How Can You Prevent Perianal Warts?

The best way to prevent perianal warts is to practice safe sex. Use condoms or dental dams during sex to reduce the risk of HPV transmission. You should also avoid any contact with someone who has genital or anal warts. The HPV vaccine can also reduce the risk of infection. Speak to your doctor about the HPV vaccine and other preventive measures.