Ulcerative stomatitis

What is Ulcerative Stomatitis?

Ulcerative stomatitis is an inflammatory condition of the mouth caused by a bacterial infection. It is also known as canker sore, aphthous ulcer, and a form of periodontal disease. The main symptom is painful sores inside the mouth, usually on the gums, lips, or inner cheeks. Other symptoms may include redness, burning, and swelling.

Causes of Ulcerative Stomatitis

Ulcerative stomatitis is an inflammatory reaction of the body to a bacterial infection. The bacteria commonly responsible for this condition are

  • Streptococcus mutans
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Haemophilus influenzae
  • Fusobacterium nucleatum
  • The exact cause of ulcerative stomatitis is unknown but it is thought to be related to a weakened immune system, irritation from dentures, dental braces, or other dental appliances, or poor oral hygiene.

    Symptoms of Ulcerative Stomatitis

    The main symptom of ulcerative stomatitis is painful sores inside the mouth, or canker sores which usually appear on the gums, lips, or inner cheeks. The sores can be round or oval and may have a whitish or yellow center with a red halo. Other symptoms of ulcerative stomatitis may include:

  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Swelling
  • Fever
  • Difficulty eating and drinking
  • Painful sores on tongue, cheeks, or gums
  • Treatment for Ulcerative Stomatitis

    The treatment plan for ulcerative stomatitis depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, the symptoms may resolve on their own with proper oral hygiene. In more severe cases, a doctor may recommend an antiseptic mouthwash, antibiotics, or antiviral medications. Other treatments include applying topical anesthetics or oral numbing agents to reduce pain and drying up the sores with a mild antiseptic.

    Home remedies may also help in relieving pain and discomfort. These include rinsing the mouth with salt water, baking soda, or peppermint tea, avoiding spicy foods or citric acid, and using a wet tea bag on the affected area.