Chronic Eczema of the hand

What is Chronic Hand Eczema?

Chronic hand eczema is an inflammatory skin condition which causes red, inflamed and scaling areas of skin on the hands. This type of eczema, also known as hand dermatitis, is common among people with occupations or hobbies which frequently expose their hands to irritants, such as mechanics, nurses and other healthcare professionals, hairdressers, chefs, and others. It is one of the most common types of eczema.

Symptoms of Chronic Hand Eczema

The symptoms of chronic hand eczema may include:

  • Red and inflamed areas of skin
  • Dry skin
  • Itching
  • Scaling or crusting of the skin
  • Scaly patches of skin
  • Painful cracked and split skin
  • Blisters on the palms and fingertips

Causes of Chronic Hand Eczema

The exact cause of hand eczema is unknown, but it is thought to be due to a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors. Chronic hand eczema is most commonly caused by contact with irritants, such as detergents, soaps, solvents, and other chemicals. It can also be caused by skin allergies or immune reactions, such as those triggered by Nickel or latex.

Treating Chronic Hand Eczema

The primary goal in the treatment of chronic hand eczema is to reduce inflammation, dryness, and itching of the affected skin. Treatment usually consists of avoiding contact with irritants and allergens, using moisturizers, and avoiding harsh soaps and detergents. A doctor may also prescribe topical corticosteroid creams, oral medications, and light therapy.