Moderate Dyspareunia

Understanding Moderate Dyspareunia

Dyspareunia is a common yet uncomfortable issue for many women. It’s a type of pain that occurs during or after sexual intercourse. Moderate dyspareunia is when the pain is more than light but can still be tolerated and typically lasts for 10 minutes or less.

Although it is a personal experience and may vary from woman to woman, some common signs of moderate dyspareunia include:

  • Mild to moderate pain during or after sexual intercourse
  • Cramping or burning sensations during intercourse
  • Pain that lasts for 10 minutes or less after intercourse
  • Althought the pain may be uncomfortable, it is not so severe that it prevents intercourse

Common causes of moderate dyspareunia may include uterine fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts or vaginal infection. Other factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances, certain medications, vulvodynia or unresolved emotional issues can also be the underlying cause.

If you’re experiencing moderate dyspareunia, it’s important to talk to your doctor. They can discuss and explore the underlying cause and offer treatments that may help. Treatment options vary depending on the underlying cause of the dyspareunia, but may include medications, hormone therapy, behavioral techniques or surgery.

When it comes to managing moderate dyspareunia, it can help to follow the tips listed below:

  • Use a lubricant during intercourse—this can help decrease the discomfort during intercourse
  • Make sure to take time to relax and warm up before engaging in intercourse
  • Consider different sexual positions that can be more comfortable
  • Ensure you’re communicating with your partner about what feels comfortable
  • Try not to focus on the pain during intercourse—diversion techniques such as focusing on your breathing can help
  • Make sure you are taking time to focus on your own pleasure
  • Understand that many women experience mild to moderate dyspareunia at some point in their lives

If you’re experiencing moderate dyspareunia, it can be uncomfortable and even embarrassing to talk about. However, it’s important to know that help is available. If you’re concerned about your symptoms or have any questions, please speak with your doctor.