Ocular Itching

What is Ocular Itching?

Ocular itching is a common condition that occurs when the eyes become itchy and irritated. It usually presents itself as a burning, stinging, or itching sensation in the eyes. Ocular itching can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as: allergies, dry eye syndrome, infection, or inflammation.

What are the Symptoms of Ocular Itching?

The most common symptom of ocular itching is a burning, stinging, or itching sensation in the eyes. Other symptoms may include: redness, light sensitivity, eye discharge, and a feeling that something is caught in the eye.

What Causes Ocular Itching?

Ocular itching can be caused by a variety of factors, including: allergies, dry eye syndrome, infection, or inflammation. Allergies are the most common cause of ocular itching, and can be triggered by dust, pollen, or other airborne particles.

How is Ocular Itching Treated?

Treatment for ocular itching depends on the underlying cause. In cases of allergies, avoidance of the allergen may help to reduce symptoms. Artificial tears and cool compresses can also help to reduce itching and discomfort. For more serious cases, medications, such as antihistamines or steroids, may be prescribed to reduce inflammation.

Tips to Prevent Ocular Itching

  • Avoid contact with potential allergens, like dust, pollen, or other airborne particles.
  • Wear protective eyewear when outdoors to limit exposure to environmental allergens.
  • Use a humidifier to keep the air moist and reduce dry eye irritation.
  • Wear sunglasses to reduce the glare of the sun.
  • Clean your eyelids regularly to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Use artificial tears to keep the eyes lubricated.