Haptoglobin blood test

Haptoglobin Blood Test

A Haptoglobin blood test is a medical procedure used to determine the level of haptoglobin in the blood. Haptoglobin is a protein that binds to hemoglobin, the main component of red blood cells. A haptoglobin blood test can help diagnose and monitor certain conditions that cause abnormalities in red blood cells.


No special preparation is usually required for a haptoglobin blood test. However, it’s best to check with your doctor to make sure.


A haptoglobin blood test is usually done as part of a standard blood test. A blood sample will be taken from a vein in your arm. After the sample is collected, it will be sent to a laboratory for analysis.


There are two types of haptoglobin: Hp1 and Hp2. Hp1 is the more common form and is found in the majority of people. Hp2 is less common and is associated with certain conditions that affect red blood cells.

Why the test is Performed

The haptoglobin blood test is usually done to diagnose and monitor certain conditions that can cause abnormalities in red blood cells, such as:

  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Kidney failure
  • Liver disease
  • Thalassemia
  • Sickle cell anemia


A haptoglobin blood test carries no significant risks. However, it’s possible that you may experience slight discomfort when your blood is drawn.

When the test is Ordered

Your doctor may order a haptoglobin blood test if you have signs and symptoms of conditions that can affect your red blood cells, such as anemia, jaundice, or fatigue. It may also be ordered if you have a family history of conditions that can cause red blood cell abnormalities.