Rash Evaluation


Rash evaluation is the process of examining rashes for diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause of the rash. It involves taking a skin sample or biopsy and evaluating it with the help of a microscope. It helps to identify the cause of the rash, such as an infection, an allergic reaction or a tumor.

Preparation for Rash Evaluation

Before a rash evaluation, information about the patient’s history of medical conditions, medications taken, previous treatments, and lifestyle habits may be obtained. The patient may be asked to describe the rash or lesions in detail, including the size, appearance, and location. The patient may also need to remove any clothing covering the area of the rash.

Procedure for Rash Evaluation

During a rash evaluation, the doctor will examine the affected area closely. Depending on the type of rash, the doctor may take a sample of skin cells (biopsy) for further laboratory testing. The doctor may also take photographs to document the rash.

Types of Rash Tests

The following tests may be used to diagnose the cause of a rash:

  • Blood tests: A doctor may order a complete blood count (CBC) to determine the number of white blood cells, which can indicate the presence of an infection.
  • Allergy testing: An allergist may perform a skin-prick test or a blood test to detect any allergens present.
  • Imaging tests: An imaging test may be used to help detect tumors and other medical conditions that can cause a rash.
  • Biopsy: A sample of skin cells is taken and examined under a microscope for further testing.

Risks of Rash Evaluation

Rash evaluation is a safe procedure. The risks associated with a biopsy include bruising, bleeding, and infection, but they are rare.

Why is Rash Evaluation Performed?

Rash evaluation is performed to help diagnose the cause of a rash or skin disorder. It can help the doctor determine the type of treatment needed to address the underlying condition.

When is Rash Evaluation Performed?

A rash evaluation is typically performed when a patient has an unexplained rash that is not going away with over-the-counter treatments. The doctor may also recommend a rash evaluation if the patient has a rash that is accompanied by fever, headache, or body aches.