Cognitive Function Abnormal

What is Cognitive Function Abnormal?

Cognitive function abnormality is a condition where a person has deficits in one or more cognitive functions. Cognitive functions are processes that an individual uses to think, remember, make decisions, and learn new things. These deficits can range from mild to severe and can have impacts on a person’s daily functioning. People diagnosed with cognitive function abnormality can struggle with activities that involve planning, organization, attention, problem solving, decision-making, and memory.

What Causes Cognitive Function Abnormalities?

There are many potential causes of cognitive function abnormalities. These can include genetic factors, developmental delays, neurological conditions, injuries, infections, psychological illness, and aging. People with certain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, traumatic brain injury, schizophrenia, depression, and Down Syndrome, are known to have cognitive function deficits.

Symptoms of Cognitive Function Abnormalities

The symptoms of cognitive functioning deficits can vary depending on the severity of the abnormality. Some of the more common signs and symptoms are:

  • Impaired memory
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Trouble understanding abstract concepts
  • Difficulty in decision making and problem solving
  • Impaired ability to plan and organize
  • Poor judgment
  • Difficulty in following directions
  • Language deficits

Diagnosing Cognitive Function Abnormalities

Cognitive function abnormalities are typically diagnosed through psychological testing. A variety of tests are used to evaluate a person's attention, memory, problem-solving skills, and other cognitive abilities. Additionally, neurological and medical testing, such as brain scans, can be used to identify any physical causes for the cognitive abnormality. Diagnoses of cognitive function abnormalities often involve a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals to ensure that all potential factors are being considered.

Treatment for Cognitive Function Abnormalities

The treatment plan for someone with a cognitive function abnormality often involves a combination of psychological and medical intervention. Morning medical treatments target any underlying physical causes of the abnormality, such as medication for depression or Alzheimer’s disease. Psychological treatment often takes the form of cognitive behavior therapy, which helps individuals learn strategies for managing their cognitive deficits. Other psychological treatments that might be used include exercises that target memory, language, and problem-solving. In addition, lifestyle changes such as getting plenty of rest and exercise can help improve cognitive functioning.