Alcohol Abstinence

Alcohol Abstinence: What Does It Mean and How Can You Achieve It?

Alcohol abstinence is the complete avoidance of consuming alcohol. It is an important decision to make when it comes to improving overall health and wellness. Alcohol can become a problem for some individuals, and for many there are lifestyle benefits in taking a break from drinking. Abstinence can also be a part of addiction treatment, alcohol dependency or to maintain certain levels of functioning. While it is possible to engage in sensible drinking, abstinence may very well be the best choice for many individuals.

Reasons to Opt for Abstinence

Individuals who choose abstinence from alcohol do so for several reasons. These include:

  • Health concerns, including liver or cardiovascular damage from excessive drinking
  • Social issues, such as tension in relationships that may arise when too much alcohol is consumed
  • Risk reduction, for example if one is pregnant or behind the wheel of a vehicle
  • Maintenance of treatment or recovery from addiction
  • Spiritual ritual or cultural reasons

Health Benefits of Abstinence

Drinking alcohol can have a negative impact on the body beyond contributing to the potential of alcohol addiction. Reducing or eliminating alcohol can have health benefits ranging from improved sleep and better liver function to enhanced cognitive functioning and reduced risk of various diseases. Doing away with alcohol can also help to give more clarity to an individual’s overall physical and mental health.

Methods for Achieving Abstinence

Adopting alcohol abstinence may require dedication and perseverance. Some of the steps to helping maintain and achieve abstinence may include:

  • Setting specific and achievable goals as well as breaking large goals into smaller ones.
  • Addressing other mental health issues including depression, anxiety, or trauma.
  • Identifying and avoiding triggers that may lead one to drink.
  • Creating alternative activities and hobbies to replace drinking.
  • Becoming involved in aftercare support or sober groups.
  • Developing an effective relapse prevention plan.

It is always best to speak with a qualified mental health professional or addiction specialist if you are considering giving up alcohol. They can help you create and stick with a plan for abstinence, and suggest additional resources to support your goal.


Alcohol abstinence is the practice of completely avoiding alcoholic beverages. Individuals may choose to do this for a number of reasons and abstaining carries a variety of health benefits. Abstinence from alcohol might be a goal or part of a recovery plan. With the help of medical professionals, individuals can create and stick to an abstinence plan and enjoy wellness rewards along the way.