Heavy Metal Blood Test

Heavy Metal Blood Test

Heavy metal blood tests measure the levels of heavy metals, such as arsenic, lead, mercury, and cadmium in the blood. They’re used to screen for exposure to or absorption of toxic heavy metals. Heavy metals can accumulate in the body when there’s too much exposure. This can cause serious and sometimes life-threatening health effects.

Preparation for Heavy Metal Blood Test

For most heavy metal blood tests, no special preparation is needed. Simply be sure to drink plenty of fluids before the test. Some metal tests may require the use of a chelating agent to temporarily bind and remove metals from the body before the test. Your healthcare provider will explain the details of the test and any special preparation that may be needed.

Procedure of Heavy Metal Blood Test

A heavy metal blood test is usually done in your healthcare provider’s office or at a lab. During the test, a blood sample is taken from a vein in your arm using a small needle. The sample is sent to a lab for analysis. The results are usually available within a few days.

Types of Heavy Metal Blood Test

There are several types of heavy metal blood tests, including tests for:

  • Arsenic
  • Lead
  • Mercury
  • Cadmium

Risks of Heavy Metal Blood Test

Heavy metal blood tests are generally safe. The risks are limited to discomfort from the needle insertion during the blood draw. Rarely, an infection or excessive bleeding may occur.

Why Heavy Metal Blood Test Use?

Heavy metal blood tests are used to screen for toxicity due to exposure or absorption of heavy metals. They’re used to detect the presence of metals in the blood that can accumulate in the body and cause various health problems.

When to Get Heavy Metal Blood Test

Heavy metal blood tests are usually ordered if you’ve been exposed to high levels of heavy metals, such as lead. Pregnant women and infants may also get this type of test due to their increased sensitivity to heavy metals. The test may be done as part of a regular checkup to ensure that there’s no excessive exposure to heavy metals.