
What is Diuresis?

Diuresis is defined as an increase in the rate of urine formation above the normal resting level which results in the excretion of excess fluid from the body. It is a physiological response to reduce water excess in the body. Diuresis is a natural way for the body to regulate its volume of fluids.

Diuresis is mainly caused by a drop in renal perfusion pressure, which stimulates the release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). As a result, the renal tubules of the kidney absorb less water and excrete more urine. This excess fluid is then excreted through urine along with waste products.

Types of Diuresis

Diuresis can be classified into two main types: physiological diuresis and pathological diuresis.

  • Physiological Diuresis: Physiological diuresis results from various physiological factors, such as change in blood volume or pressure, salt and water intake, dietary sodium, exercise, thermal regulation and hormonal changes.
  • Pathological Diuresis: Pathological diuresis is a response to pathologies, such as increased blood pressure, acute kidney injury, heart failure or diabetes insipidus. In these cases, diuresis serves as a compensatory mechanism to prevent further damage.

Benefits of Diuresis

Diuresis can have several benefits to the human body. For example, it can be used to treat hypertension, edema, and bladder infection, as it increases the renal excretion of sodium and water. It can also help to increase blood flow and reduce intracranial pressure in cases of hydrocephalus. Additionally, diuresis can be used to eliminate toxins, such as heavy metals, drugs, alcohol, and metabolic waste product, from the body.

Side Effects of Diuresis

The use of diuretics for medical purposes can lead to various adverse reactions. Some of the common side effects include electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, dry mouth, kidney dysfunction, fatigue, headache, dizziness, and muscle pain. 90% of the patients who take diuretics experience some kind of side effect.


Diuresis is the process of increased urine output in order to expel fluid from the body and maintain its balance. It can occur naturally or be induced by diuretic drugs, depending on the medical condition. Although diuresis is beneficial in some cases, it also has some adverse side effects. Therefore, it should only be used under medical supervision.