
What Causes Chills?

Sometimes chills are caused by a brief sudden drop in body temperature, but often they are associated with afevers, colds, and other infections. Chills often come with other symptoms such as body aches, fatigue, and a runny nose. Infections caused by viruses or bacteria can cause chills. Chills are caused when the body’s immune system releases chemicals in an effort to lower the body’s temperature in order to fight the infection. In some cases, chills may also be caused by conditions such as thyroid disease or anemia or diseases linked to a fever.

Signs and Symptoms of Chills

The main symptom of chills is an intense feeling of coldness accompanied by shivering, despite usually being in a warm environment. As the body’s temperature rises and chills pass, a person may then sweat due to feeling hot. This is because the body’s temperature has increased.

Home Remedies for Chills

There are a number of home remedies to help reduce or eliminate chills. These include:

  • Take a warm bath or shower – this can help warm up your body and reduce chills.
  • Drink plenty of fluids – this helps keep the body hydrated and prevents dehydration.
  • Cover yourself with blankets or clothes – this helps to trap enough heat and make you feel warmer.
  • Stay warm and avoid overly cold environments – this will help prevent temperatures from dropping dramatically.
  • Ginger tea – drinking ginger tea can help provide relief from chills caused by fever.

When to See a Doctor

Chills should go away on their own without the need for medical intervention. However, if chills persist for more than a few days or are accompanied by other symptoms such as chest pains, confusion, or loss of consciousness, seek immediate medical attention as these could be signs of a more serious condition.