Severe Restless Legs Syndrome

Understanding Severe Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a disorder that is characterized by an irresistible urge to move one’s legs. This urge is usually accompanied by uncomfortable sensations in the legs. People who suffer from RLS usually experience symptoms when resting or sitting for periods of time and are often kept awake at night due to the sensation.

Severe Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is a type of RLS which is characterized by very frequent, intense and long-lasting symptoms. Symptoms of severe RLS usually occur more than twice a week, last more than an hour, interfere with daily activities, and are usually uncontrollable. The exact cause of severe RLS is currently unknown, but it is believed to be related to changes or disruptions in the brain’s dopamine system. The condition is also thought to run in families.

Symptoms of Severe Restless Legs Syndrome

The primary symptom of Severe RLS is the overwhelming urge to move the legs. This sensation is usually described as tingling, crawling, burning or itching. Moving the legs often alleviates the symptom, but only temporarily. Other symptoms of Severe RLS include:

  • Uncontrollable Leg Movements- Sufferers of Severe RLS may experience leg movements which they are unable to control or stop.
  • Painful Leg Sensations- People with Severe RLS may have painful sensations in their legs, such as aching or throbbing.
  • Insomnia- People with Severe RLS may experience difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep due to the symptoms.
  • Exhaustion- Severe RLS can cause excessive fatigue and other sleep-related issues.
  • Emotional Distress- The effects of Severe RLS can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Severe Restless Legs Syndrome

If you think you might have Severe RLS, it is important to see your doctor. Your doctor will likely ask you questions about your symptoms and family history and may request certain tests to make a diagnosis. Treatment for Severe RLS may depend on its severity but may include lifestyle changes, medications, or physical therapy.

It is important to note that while Severe RLS can be treated, it cannot be cured. Therefore, it is important to take steps to manage the condition in order to minimize the effects it has on your life. These steps may include exercising regularly, reducing stress, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and taking medications if prescribed.