Pain caused by Teething

Understanding Teething Pain

Teething is the process of a baby getting their first set of teeth, and can be one of the most uncomfortable and stressful times for parents and their little one. While the process of teething can be difficult, it is an essential developmental step in the life of a young child. It can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, as well as other symptoms such as drooling and crankiness.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

The most common signs and symptoms of teething include the following:

  • Pain or discomfort in the gums
  • Unusual fussiness or crankiness
  • Refusal of food
  • Chewing on objects
  • Increased salivation
  • Biting and gum rubbing
  • Low-grade fever
  • Trouble sleeping

Tips for Helping Soothe the Pain

Though teething pain can’t really be prevented, there are some steps that parents can take to help soothe their baby’s discomfort:

  • Provide something safe for your baby to chew on
  • Gently rub or massage the gums with your finger
  • Use a cold, wet washcloth for relief
  • Give your baby a chilled teething ring, which may provide temporary relief
  • Divert your baby’s attention by playing or reading
  • Give your baby an over-the-counter medication to reduce the pain, if necessary

When to Call the Doctor

Most teething pain can be managed at home. However, it’s important to contact a doctor if your baby:

  • Develops a fever
  • Shows signs of dehydration, such as not enough tears when crying, fewer wet diapers, dry mouth, lethargy, or irritability
  • Shows signs of infection, such as swelling around the gum area, redness, pus-filled sores, or red streaks on the face

If any of the above signs and symptoms occur, contact your doctor as soon as possible.