Indium-labelled WBC scan

What is an Indium-labelled WBC Scan?

A Indium-labelled white blood cell (WBC) scan is a type of medical imaging used to detect areas of inflammation and infection in the body. It is also known as a white blood cell scan, leucocyte scintigraphy or an indium 111 WBC scan.

Preparation for a Indium-labelled WBC scan

A doctor will provide specific instructions for preparing for a Indium-labelled WBC scan. Generally, you will need to drink plenty of water before the scan to help the imaging process. You may also need to avoid eating for several hours prior to the scan. It is also important to wear comfortable, loose clothing for this test.

Procedure for a Indium-labelled WBC scan

A Indium-labelled WBC scan is a relatively simple procedure that does not require any anesthesia. You will be asked to lie on a table and a technician will inject a small amount of Indium-labelled WBCs into a vein in your arm. The radioactive material will travel through your body and attach itself to any areas of inflammation or infection. The scan will then be performed to detect the location of the radioactive material.

Types of Indium-labelled WBC Scans

There are two types of Indium-labelled WBC scans. A one-time scan is used to detect acute infections, while a multiple-time scan is used to detect chronic infections or metastasizing tumors. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate type of scan for your condition.

Benefits of a Indium-labelled WBC scan

Indium-labelled WBC scans offer several benefits over traditional X-rays and other imaging methods. It is a non-invasive procedure, and it is extremely sensitive to infection and inflammation. This test is also safe and accurate, and the results are typically available within a few hours of the scan.

Risks of a Indium-labelled WBC scan

Indium-labelled WBC scans are relatively safe, but there is a small risk of radiation exposure. If you are pregnant, you should not have this test due to the radiation exposure. Additionally, if you have an allergy to Indium-111, your doctor may recommend an alternative imaging test.

Why is a Indium-labelled WBC scan needed?

Indium-labelled WBC scans are useful for detecting areas of inflammation and infection in the body. This type of imaging can help accurately diagnose a wide range of conditions, including infection, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. Additionally, this test can help monitor the progression of treatment for these diseases.

When is a Indium-labelled WBC scan ordered?

A Indium-labelled WBC scan is often ordered when other tests fail to provide an accurate diagnosis. Additionally, it may be ordered if a patient has symptoms associated with an infection or inflammation, but the cause is unknown. Your doctor may also order this test to monitor the response to treatment for certain diseases.