Stage B2 Prostatic Carcinoma

Stage B2 Prostatic Carcinoma

Prostatic carcinoma is a type of cancer that is found in the tissue of the prostate gland, which is located in the male reproductive system. Stage B2 prostatic carcinoma is a more advanced form of this cancer. It is important to understand this stage of cancer before determining treatment options.

The staging system for prostatic carcinoma uses Roman numerals to determine the severity of the cancer. Stage B2 prostatic carcinoma begins at a Roman numeral II. This stage of cancer is described as locally advanced or regional in scope. It means that the cancer has spread outside of the prostate gland to nearby tissue.

Here are some points about stage B2 prostatic carcinoma to keep in mind:

  • Stage B2 prostatic carcinoma is considered to be a more advanced form of the cancer, but it is still considered treatable.
  • This stage may be further broken down into letter stages in order to assess the exact severity of the cancer and develop an appropriate course of action.
  • If radiation therapy or hormonal therapy has been attempted, it may not have been successful in treating the cancer, which would render the cancer as B2.
  • Treatment for stage B2 prostatic carcinoma may include surgery, hormone therapy, radiation therapy, or chemotherapy.
  • It is also important for the care team to monitor the patient’s PSA levels in order to ensure the effectiveness of treatment and look for any further progression of the cancer.