Factor V assay

What is a Factor V Assay?

A Factor V assay is a laboratory test used to measure the activity of Factor V in a person’s blood. Factor V – also known as prothrombin – is a protein that helps to control the formation of blood clots. An abnormal result on a Factor V assay test may indicate problems with blood clotting or the risk of developing a blood clot, and can help doctors diagnose and monitor their patients’ conditions.


Before a Factor V assay is performed, the patient is advised to tell their doctor about any medications that they are taking. This is because some medications – such as anticoagulants – can affect the results of the test.

The patient should also be aware that during the procedure, their arm may be pricked for a blood sample. The sample is then taken to a laboratory, where it is analyzed.


During the procedure, a health practitioner will draw a small sample of the patient’s blood. The sample is collected in a tube, and then sent to a laboratory. The laboratory will use advanced equipment to measure the activity of Factor V in the sample and calculate the patient’s Factor V level.


There are several types of Factor V assays available, including:

  • Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT): This test measures the activity of the thrombin enzyme (Factor V) in the patient’s blood.
  • Biochemical Assays: These assays measure the activity of Factor V in a sample of blood.
  • Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Assays: These assays measure the activity of the antithrombin enzyme, which helps to prevent the formation of blood clots.


A Factor V assay is considered to be a safe procedure with no major risks. However, some patients may experience minor side effects, such as:

  • Pain or discomfort at the site of the blood draw
  • Bruising at the site of the blood draw
  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

Why Go for a Factor V Assay?

A Factor V assay is usually ordered by a doctor when a patient is at risk for developing a blood clot. It can help a doctor diagnose and monitor blood clotting problems, such as deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and hemorrhage. If any of these conditions are suspected, a doctor may order a Factor V assay to measure the patient’s Factor V level and determine the best course of treatment.

When to Go for a Factor V Assay?

A doctor may order a Factor V assay for a variety of reasons. It is most commonly ordered in patients who are at risk for developing blood clots, such as those who have had a previous blood clot, those with a family history of blood clotting disorders, those who are pregnant, and those who take certain medications. Additionally, a doctor may order a Factor V assay if a patient has symptoms of a blood clotting disorder, such as sudden and severe pain in the chest or legs.