Cold Stimulation Test

Cold Stimulation Test:

A cold stimulation test, or a cold pressor test, is a medical test used to examine how the body responds to pain and changes in temperature. It involves immersing the feet or hands into cold water to examine a person's pain response, for example, how much the body's heartrate varies with the cold water exposure. This test can be used to check for hypertension, cardiomyopathy, Raynaud's disease and certain other conditions.


Before the test, the patient should make sure they are wearing lightweight, loose-fitting clothing. In addition, any jewelry or watches should be removed for the duration of the test. It is also important for patients to drink plenty of water before the test.


The cold stimulation test begins with the patient sitting in a chair with his or her feet in a bath of cold water that is approximately 50°F (10°C). The test usually lasts for one to two minutes and involves the patient's feet, hands, or both. During the procedure, the patient's blood pressure and heart rate is monitored, and his or her body temperature and pain responses are recorded.

Types of Cold Stimulation Tests:

  • Cold Pressor Test: This test involves immersing the hand in cold water for one to two minutes.
  • Cold Feet Test: This test involves immersing the feet in cold water for one to two minutes.
  • Whole Body Cold Stimulation Test: This test involves a cold bath for up to three minutes.


The cold stimulation test is generally considered safe. However, there is a risk of hypothermia or fever, as well as an elevated heart rate and blood pressure. In rare cases, shivering or shock may occur.


The cold stimulation test is used to measure the body's reactions to pain and temperature changes. It can be used to diagnose a variety of medical conditions, such as hypertension, cardiomyopathy, Raynaud's disease, and others. It can also be used to evaluate a patient's response to medications.


The cold stimulation test can be used any time to monitor a person's reactions to pain and temperature changes. It may be performed before or after taking certain medications to evaluate their effectiveness. The test may also be used to diagnose and monitor medical conditions such as hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and Raynaud's disease.