
All About Septic

Septic systems are an essential part of a home’s wastewater system. The purpose of a septic system is to treat and dispose of household wastewater to prevent contamination of the environment and ground water. Most septic systems have a tank, while some may have other components such as a drain field or a pumping chamber.

How Does a Septic System Work?

A septic system works by first collecting all of the wastewater from a home and feeding it into a septic tank. The tank is made of concrete, fiberglass or plastic and is buried in the ground. It has an inlet pipe which receives wastewater and an outlet pipe which carries wastewater to a drain field. Inside the tank, wastewater is treated by bacteria. The bacteria breaks down and digests the organic materials in the wastewater so that it can be safely released into the environment. The water is then sent to a drain field which allows the treated water to soak into the soil.

Benefits of a Septic System

Septic systems provide a number of benefits and advantages over traditional sewer systems. Some of these include:

  • Cost savings – A septic system is typically more affordable than connecting to a municipal sewer line and often requires less maintenance.
  • Environmental friendliness – Septic systems don’t require the use of pumps and therefore reduce the amount of electricity needed to run them. In addition, they help minimize the amount of water that needs to be treated.
  • Business flexibility – With a septic system, you don’t have to worry about restricted business hours or shut-down notices from the local authority.

Maintaining Your Septic System

Maintaining your septic system is essential for its proper functioning and long-term life. Here are a few tips for keeping your septic tank and drain field in tip-top shape:

  • Have your septic tank inspected and pumped regularly – In general, a septic tank should be professionally inspected and pumped out every three to five years.
  • Watch what you put down the drain – Avoid flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper. Even so-called ‘flushable’ wipes and other personal care items should not be disposed of in a septic tank as they can cause blockages.
  • Minimize water use – Reducing the amount of water used in your home will reduce the amount of water passing through the septic system.