
What Is Oligodendroglioma?

An oligodendroglioma is a type of cancer that begins in the brain. It is a type of brain tumor, and it specifically affects the glial cells, which are the cells in the brain that provide support to nerve cells. Oligodendroglioma is considered a slow-growing tumor, and it can typically be treated successfully.

Symptoms of Oligodendroglioma

In many cases, patients may not experience any symptoms of oligodendroglioma until the tumor grows to a significant size. As it begins to affect nearby brain structures, symptoms may begin to appear. These symptoms may include:

  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • seizures
  • difficulty speaking
  • memory issues
  • visual changes
  • personality changes

It is important to seek medical attention whenever any of these symptoms present since they can be severe in some cases.

Diagnosis of Oligodendroglioma

To diagnose oligodendroglioma, the doctor will likely order several tests. These tests may include an MRI and a CT scan to get a better look at what may be going on. A biopsy of the tumor may also be done to test for any genetic abnormalities. This can help the doctor to better understand the tumor type and how it should be treated.

Treatments for Oligodendroglioma

Treatments for oligodendroglioma depend on the size of the tumor and the location and extent of any affected tissue. Surgery is a common treatment option for these tumors, and in some cases, it can completely remove the tumor. In other cases, radiation and chemotherapy may be used to shrink the tumor. In some cases, a combination of treatments may be recommended to fully treat the tumor.


The outlook for those with oligodendroglioma is generally quite positive. Most patients are able to be successfully treated with the right combination of treatments and often experience no long-term effects from the tumor itself. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if any symptoms arise.