Necatoriasis due to necator americanus

What is Necatoriasis due to Necator americanus?

Necatoriasis, sometimes referred to as hookworm infection, is an infection caused by the Necator americanus. It is a parasitic roundworm that lives in the intestine of humans, most commonly in the small intestine. The worms are usually found in tropical and subtropical regions, with cases sometimes found in colder climates. The infection is usually located in the small intestine, but can occur anywhere the hookworm is. The eggs are spread through soil contaminated with human feces.

How Necatoriasis is Diagnosed

Necatoriasis is usually diagnosed through microscopic inspection of a stool sample. The sample is examined for hookworm eggs or larvae. Blood tests may also be used to check for iron deficiency, which is a common symptom of the infection.

Signs and Symptoms of Necatoriasis

Symptoms of hookworm infection can vary, but some of the more common signs include:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Irritability
  • Abdominal pain
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Anemia

Treatment for Necatoriasis

Treatment for Necatoriasis is usually done with antiparasitic medication. The most commonly used drugs are Mebendazole or Albendazole, which helps kill the worm. Patients should also be given Iron supplements to treat anemia and prevent further slow development due to nutritional deficiencies caused by the infection.

Prevention of Necatoriasis

The best way to prevent Necatoriasis is to practice proper hygiene. Avoiding contact with soil that may be contaminated with human feces is essential. To reduce the risk of being infected, be sure to wash your hands after playing or working in soil, and wear protective clothing when cleaning up pet waste or working in potentially contaminated areas. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding contact with infected people can also help prevent infection.