
What is Catarrh?

Catarrh is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in your nose and throat. It can affect people of all ages, and can cause a variety of symptoms, such as a blocked nose, runny nose, sneezing, a sore throat, and congestion. It is usually caused by an infection, such as a cold or flu, but can also be caused by allergies. In some cases, catarrh can become chronic and may need to be treated with medication.

Symptoms of Catarrh

The main symptoms of catarrh are:

  • A blocked or runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • A sore throat
  • Congestion
  • Coughing
  • Mucus (white or yellow in colour)
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Itchy and watery eyes

Treatment for Catarrh

The treatment for catarrh will vary depending on the underlying cause. For a viral infection, the best way to treat it is with rest and fluids. Some over-the-counter medications, such as decongestants and analgesics, can help relieve the symptoms. If your catarrh is caused by an allergy, then you may need to take antihistamines or other prescribed medications. You may also need to take specific precautions to avoid the triggers, such as avoiding certain foods or avoiding animals. In some cases, your doctor may refer you to an allergist for further testing and treatments.

If your catarrh is caused by a bacterial infection, then you may need to take antibiotics. It is important to always complete the course of antibiotics, even if your symptoms have disappeared, to make sure the infection is fully treated. In more serious cases, such as if you have a weakened immune system, your doctor may prescribe stronger medications.