Inflamed Hemorrhoids

What is an Inflamed Hemorrhoid?

An inflamed hemorrhoid is a medical condition in which a vein becomes swollen and causes discomfort near the anal area. Hemorrhoids are commonly caused by straining during a bowel movement, increased pressure in the lower rectal area, and prolonged sitting or standing. They can range from annoying to painful, and while they are typically not dangerous, they are worth addressing from a medical standpoint.

Symptoms of an Inflamed Hemorrhoid

The most common symptoms of an inflamed hemorrhoid include irritation and pain around the anus, itchiness in the area, rectal bleeding, and swelling. Other, rarer symptoms include a rash or discomfort when sitting for long periods of time.

Treatment of an Inflamed Hemorrhoid

The primary treatment of an inflamed hemorrhoid is to reduce the inflammation. Typical methods include:

  • Applying ice or cold compresses to the area to reduce the swelling.
  • Taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Using medicated topical creams and ointments to relieve itching and irritation.
  • Increasing dietary fiber intake and drinking more fluids to soften stools and reduce constipation.
  • Avoiding straining during bowel movements.

In more severe cases, a physician may recommend a procedure called rubber band ligation in which a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid to slow or stop the blood flow and let it shrink. In some cases, laser, infrared, or sclerotherapy treatments may be used.

Preventative Measures

It is possible to drastically reduce the chances of experiencing inflamed hemorrhoids by taking preventative measures. These include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Increasing dietary fiber intake.
  • Drinking plenty of water each day.
  • Limiting the amount of time spent sitting or standing.

Inflamed hemorrhoids are a common medical condition, but if treated properly, they can be easily managed. It is important to see a doctor right away if you are experiencing any of the more severe symptoms, as further treatments may be necessary.