Sinus MRI scan

What is Sinus MRI Scan?

Sinus MRI Scan is a imaging method used to diagnose and assess the health of the sinuses. It is a non-invasive technique that uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create detailed images of the sinuses and nearby tissues. The images can be used to diagnose sinus conditions and aid in surgical planning.


Before an MRI scan, you will likely be instructed to follow some basic guidelines. This may include the following:

  • Remove any jewelry or metal items that you are wearing.
  • Avoid consuming food and beverages containing iron, such as red meat or dark green leafy vegetables. Iron patches may interfere with the scan.
  • You may need to avoid certain medications, including vitamins, herbal supplements, and iron supplements. Talk to your doctor to find out what medications you should avoid.
  • Moonlighting with metallic objects or residues in the body, such as pacemakers, stents, cochlear implants, and dental fillings, can interfere with the quality of the image.
  • Tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have or any allergies you have to contrast dye.


During a sinus MRI, you will lie down on a narrow table and will be asked to remain completely still. The MRI technician will provide you with headphones so that you can listen to music to help you relax during the scan. The technician will then move a scanner around your head while imaging your sinuses from various angles. The scanning process can take up to an hour, depending on the type of images being taken. The entire process usually takes about two hours.


There are several types of sinus MRI scans:

  • Contrast-enhanced scan: This type of scan uses a contrast material to create a more detailed and detailed image. This type of scan may be used to diagnose sinus infections.
  • Functional MRI: This type of MRI scan is used to track blood flow throughout the sinuses. This can help detect whether or not someone has a blockage in their sinuses.
  • Multi-position MRI scan: This type of scan allows for images of the sinuses from various angles.


Sinus MRI scans are generally safe. There are no known risks associated with the procedure. The MRI scanner does use magnetic fields that may cause some people to feel a mild tingling sensation around their head. In rare cases, some people may experience nausea or dizziness during the procedure. It is important to let the technologist know if you experience any of these symptoms during the scan so that they can adjust the scanner settings accordingly.

Why get a Sinus MRI Scan?

A sinus MRI scan is a useful tool for doctors when diagnosing medical conditions of the sinuses. It can be used to detect blockages of the sinuses, infections, tumors, allergies, and other sinus-related issues. It can also be used to monitor the progress of treatments for sinus conditions or to assess any damage to the sinuses after a sinus surgery.

When to get a Sinus MRI Scan?

Your doctor may order a sinus MRI scan if you have symptoms such as difficulty breathing, nasal congestion, loss of smell, headaches, or facial pain. It may also be ordered to assess any damage after a sinus surgery or to monitor the progress of treatments for sinus conditions.