
What is Rash?

A rash is a change of the skin which affects its color, appearance or texture. A rash can be localized, appearing in one particular area, or it can be all over the body. Rashes can range in size from barely visible to covering large portions of the body. They can be itchy, painful, or just uncomfortable. In severe cases, they can even lead to further complications.

Common Causes of Rash

Rashes can be caused by a wide variety of factors, such as allergies, infections, and even your own hormones. Some of the most common causes of rash are outlined below:

  • Contact Dermatitis - Occurs when a substance irritates or allergically reacts with the skin. Common suspects include detergents, jewelry, cosmetics, and certain plants.
  • Infections - Bacterial illnesses like cellulitis, shingles, and even Lyme disease can cause a rash.
  • Heat Rash - Occurs during hot, humid temperatures when sweat is blocked from evaporating. Commonly seen in babies.
  • Medication Reactions - Certain medications can cause a rash.
  • Hives - Also referred to as urticaria, these welts can be due to allergies, infections, or other unidentified triggers.
  • Eczema - A skin disorder that causes itchy, inflamed patches of skin.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If the rash appears suddenly and is accompanied by a fever, contact your doctor immediately as this could be a sign of a serious infection. Additionally, if the rash does not improve or worsen over time, you should also seek medical attention. It’s also recommended to make an appointment if your rash is widespread, completely covers your body, or is accompanied by other symptoms.

If you are looking to explain rash further, you can read our blog right here: Explanation of Rash. It goes into more detail about the different types of rash and how to identify them.